78 countries and cities indexed on the map; "57 Pensilvania" helps to date the print after 1683, when Pennsylvania's constitution, or 'the Second Frame of Government', was proclaimed.
Dedication: "To the most Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury His Grace Primate of all England and Metropolitan. This map is humbly dedicated by Joseph Moxon".
Oval map of the world surrounded by vignettes of the creation and biblical scenes.
State 2 of the map; original edition was for the 1671 'Sacred Geographie'.
Tasman's discoveries indexed "36 New Holland".
This state 2 of the map could have come from the 1691 ed. of Sacred Geographie, or Scriptural Mapps; 'The Holy bible containing the old testament and the new [...] printed in the year 1708' also contained this and three other Moxon maps.